Review of “20 Years of Winter”:


Title: 20 Years of Winter

Author: Marie Moldovan

Editors: Alycia Hodge, Joe Mykut

Publication Date: February 28, 2023

Print Length: 112 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10: 173888659X

ISBN-13: 978-1738886593




In 20 Years of Winter, Marie Moldovan takes readers on an intense and raw journey through the darkest seasons of her life. As a former Canadian Forces soldier, she candidly shares her experiences—rivaling two decades of ravishing emotional winds and frigid psychological temperatures that could chill one to the bones.

The book delves into moments that took her very innoccence, capturing the unimaginable and horrific. Marie’s spirit, like that of a polar bear surviving harsh conditions, fights back against adversity. Her resilience mirrors the cunning winter hare—no easy prey.

This autobiographical poetry collection is a survival story of the soul, evoking both despair and inspiration. Marie sets fire to the winter, paving the way for the season of FREEDOM. For seasoned readers, it’s an intense read that’s worth every moment.


Emotional Resonance:

The poems are not mere words; they are heartbeats frozen in time. Moldovan’s raw honesty pierces through layers of ice, revealing vulnerability and strength in equal measure. She doesn’t flinch from the darkness—instead, she wraps it around her like a well-worn parka, inviting us to share the warmth of her survival.


Winter as Metaphor:

The title itself—a span of two decades encapsulated in frost—becomes a metaphor. Winter, relentless and unyielding, mirrors the emotional seasons Moldovan endured. Loss, trauma, and resilience weave through the stanzas, leaving readers shivering with recognition.


Sparse Beauty:

Each poem is a snowflake—a delicate crystalline structure that lingers on the tongue. Moldovan’s economy of words speaks volumes. She knows when to let silence settle, like snow settling on barren branches.


Navigating Ambiguity:

While some poems offer explicit glimpses into her past—the biting cold of military service, the ache of loss—others remain deliberately enigmatic. It’s as if Moldovan invites us to find our own reflections in the icy pools of her verses.

About the Author: 

Marie Moldovan is a Saskatchewan native and Ontario immigrant. Some would call them a reverse snowbird, who feels most comfortable surrounded by snowcapped mountains.


Nomadic by nature, Marie is multifaceted and has mastered many skills. They dub themselves a jack of many trades and master of some. However, because Marie has acquired a plethora of diplomas spanning the educational spectrum, Marie’s mother on the contrary would call them a professional student.


Marie would accredit their adaptability to the training they received as a Canadian Forces medic, and their artistic ability to their family. Both attributes have aided them along their journey from the points of homelessness and despair to the place of stability and optimism Marie has arrived at today.


In 2018, Marie was diagnosed with service-related PTSD, and within the same breath of time became a widow.


Unresolved trauma, and the loss of their husband caused Marie to skirt the edges of insanity. Faced with losing complete touch with reality, they returned to writing and art.


In a sense writing and art saved Marie’s life, at least that’s their claim. Fortunately, for the world, Marie’s choice to embrace creation has led them to captain a new life as a publisher, illustrator, writer and artist.

Marie is the author of 20 years of Winter and has currently opened the doors of her own publication organization, aptly named, I Ain’t Your Marionette. Their book is an autobiographical collection of poetry and art. Marie published it in hopes to make a way for others who have suffered similar traumas to feel safe knowing that they are not alone nor are they to blame for their experiences. 20 Years of Winter is Marie’s source of empowerment offered to those victims to stand up to their perpetrators and to speak out against victim shaming.

Rating: ★★★★★


What People are Saying about 20 Years of Winter…

“This book is a testimony of the authors triumph over a cold harsh set of circumstances in their life. The author epitomizes what it means to turn something traumatic and victimizing into a work of art that empowers not only the victim but others who have suffered similar fates. I highly recommend this book to those seeking an elegantly written book that explores the ability to thrive beyond one’s circumstances!

 `Joe Mykut, Author of Beautiful Boy


“This book, in both the words and art it contains, takes the reader through a very vivid journey through the author's healing process. It is deep, real, raw, and full of courage, strength, endurance. It is a true tribute to the ability of the author and the capacity of humans to be able to turn their pain to art, help others and continue to grow past hardship, pain or adversity.

~Alycia Hodge, Author of I May Be A Romantic, But I’m Not Hopeless


This was a beautiful read. I read it once and then again, finding new things I didn't see before! Really enjoyed this one.   ` Lela

Final Thoughts:

20 Years of Winter is a quiet storm—a blizzard of emotions that leaves frost on your fingertips. Marie Moldovan’s poetic voice resonates long after the last page. Whether you read it by a crackling fire or under a moonlit sky, this collection will thaw your heart, one stanza at a time.

Marie Moldovan’s journey through the frozen landscapes of memory is a testament to the human spirit’s endurance. Her words, like icicles catching the morning sun, remind us that even in the bleakest winters, there’s a fragile beauty waiting to thaw.


More about Marie Moldovan can be found on their website: Rusty's Digital Art

Copies of Marie's Books can be purchased on Amazon


Marie Moldovan 

CEO of I Ain't Your Marionette Press